
Latest music news and highlights

The very latest news is posted on our Exmouth Arts Facebook Group. If you would like your event publicised here, please email me, John Hunt, at

For music events happening over the next few days, please take a look at:

Are you aware of any other local events or news about music? Please let me know by emailing

What's on - larger venues and regular activities

Larger venues

(For all music venues, see the Venues section. Music in cafes, pubs, bars and clubs is in a separate section below. Please scroll down to see this section and also a section on how you can listen to free music via Devon Libraries).

Regular music activities - but please check with the organisers:

Is there anything that we have left out that you would like to see included? Please let us know by emailing

What's on - music in cafes, pubs, bars and clubs

(For all music venues, see the Venues section)

Most local music events and gigs are listed in the excellent Lemonrock Gig Guide -  (or go to its home page and click on "Guide" and then "Gigs Near Me", or key in "Exmouth"). Details there are updated very frequently.

Regular gigs - but please check with the organisers:

Is there anything that we have left out that you would like to see included? Please let us know by emailing us -

Local music organisations

(For music venues, see the Venues section)

Piano lessons

Cally is offering freestyle piano lessons in Exmouth for beginners in blues, jazz, boogie woogie, rock and roll, pop, rock and/or easy listening. No need to read music.

You can learn how to improvise, pick up tunes by ear, or by chord. Some basic music reading can be included if required.

The lessons will be about getting benefit and enjoyment from learning the piano in an informal way and are not designed to work towards any grades or examinations.

All ages are welcome.

Rate is £9.30 per hour/or £5.50 for half hour.

Interested? Please send an email to 

Recent news

Please take a look at our Facebook Group to see the latest news, including a weekly list of local live music gigs in Exmouth and the surrounding area.

Free music from the Naxos Music Library via Devon Libraries

This link - - tells you about a range of free reference services offered by Devon Libraries. Amazingly this also includes free access to the whole of the Naxos Music catalogue, and you can listen to all the albums (more than 143,000 discs, which is over 2 million tracks!) by keying in your own library number from your library card (see Literature for more details about library services). The music is then streamed to you, so you do need to be online to listen to it. See

The Naxos Music Library is also available as an downloadable app for your tablet or smartphone from your usual app provider (and you will need to register to use this - and it's free - and once done, it's excellent). From the app, music is streamed, and some music can be downloaded so that you can listen to this at any time offline.

Some older news

Our featured venue

Exmouth Pavilion: